Monday, March 1, 2010

To Gym or Not?

Im a member of the "Y" however the past couple of weeks I haven't felt like walking through the doors (reminder I'm preggers). I dont want the pregnancy to be an excuse (but it definitely is) for not at least getting on the treadmill, but when I get off work or up in the morning the last thing I want to do is work out. I never want to go after work anymore becuase I don't want to change there, Im totally exhausted  and I'm soo hungry by this time I could fall over. I'm debating to cancel my membership. It's a monthly contract so I could pick it back up after the baby, but it just kind of sucks to give it up. However, everything I can do there now I can do at home - walk. Like today I feel good, I think I will go to the gym, maybe a Yoga class.
Oh what to do. Gym? or no Gym?

All the best,,


1 comment:

  1. GYM the less weight you gain the less you have to lose!
