Monday, November 1, 2010

Its a 50/50 chance in the game of life.

I never imagined how much I would love being a mom. I've totally changed my way of living for this tiny human and have never looked back. Yes, Im tired or sometimes grumpy but the very moment her face lights up and smiles all worries disappear:)
Before I met Ella and experienced hands on what being a mom would feel like I was the type that wanted a child but didnt know when. Also, I wanted "child" singular, meaning only one.
I am now questioning the singular "uno" child scenario. I want Ella to have at least one sibling. I know how much I love my sister and brother and I want Ella to have the same experiences and memories as I did.
I want to try for a boy but I would be more than happy with two girls, or maybe three:) Ha!
My husband of course wants a boy more than anything in the world. He is a major sports fan and wants a football player to rough up.

So here's to a house full of crazy, wild, loving, smart children:) If that is God's plan.

Here is a plan that I won't be considering. HeHe.
All the best,

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